SafeTeens, in collaboration with the Pennsylvania Partnership for Health Youth, is proud to introduce The State of Sex Ed, our county-by-county inventory of sexual health education programs and resources in Pennsylvania.
Schools, community-based organizations, and other youth-serving entities can explore The State of Sex Ed to identify available adolescent sexual health programming in their communities, as well as develop and use programs and resources more efficiently and effectively.
If you know of a sexuality education program, we would like you to participate by adding your information. It’s simple; to get started, enter your school or organization’s adolescent sexual health programs. Once this information is entered, you’ll be able to explore the various programming tools that other youth-serving organizations are providing across Pennsylvania to help improve adolescent sexual health.
We trust that you will value this inventory and that you will use it to explore the resources that are available in your community.
Welcome to this exciting online community of Pennsylvania providers!
How does your county fare? Explore the State of Sex Ed with us.
May 3, 2016